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What is the I-Phorma?


It is incorporated by two words. A letter "I" which represents "Information" whereas the word "Phorma" is a Spanish word, that represents "Formation". It means "Information use to form a digital design, which uses for the business online business presentation.
It is one of the features of which helps to architect html banners with j-query, animation, GIFs and other fancy features without a help of a designer and a developer.


Who are the users of the I-Phorma cloud software?


The I-Phorma digital design cloud version can be useful for the following users.
  1. A person, who wants to start a professional career in digital deigning and digitally promotion.
  2. The Educational institutions can incorporate the I-Phorma as an information technology subject in their syllabus, and we will provide 100% free support to extract great professionals for the digital industry, which is quite new at this moment and not much qualified people are serving the industry across the world. Currently, the demand is higher than the supply of the digital designers.
  3. The I-Phorma digital designing cloud software is used by the professional designers and developers to create a digital text banner and save time.
  4. I-Phorma cloud software is a right choice for a small business owner, who cannot afford a designer and developer to promote business digitally.

Why use I-Phorma to create a digital banner?


  • It provides you a customized solution to create a digital banner.
  • 100% free education for the educational institutions.
  • It carries almost every function that helps to design a digital banner at the most advanced level and we improve and add new functions as per the user feedback.
  • You can become a professional designer in a very short period of time and more likely become a representative of to educate I-Phorma cloud software.

Why learn iphorma cloud software?


  • To add an additional feature in graphic designing professional resume.

  • To learn features of the digital designing.

  • To make your campaign presentable.

  • To make your campaigns more effective and prominent.

  • To make your tweets presentable and prominent.

I-Phorma representatives availability:


Our goal is to produce the approved I-Phorma professionals across the world to provide service at a very economical cost. We are approaching educational institutions across the world to produce I-Phorma professionals. The will issue an appreciation letter to the right professionals.


Manual To Use I-Phorma Cloud Software To Create A Customized Digital Banner By Do It Yourself (D.i.Y)


Following modules are developed to learn how to create a digital marketing banner to become a professional or use for your business to promote online.


Module #1: It guides to create an I-Phorma digital banner with a customized size.
Module #2: It uses to create an I-Phorma digital banner with colorful text.
Module #3: This module will guide, how to create an I- Phorma digital banner with colorful buttons and images.
Module #4: It is used to change the different positions of logo and images on the I-Phorma banner.
Module #5: This module of the I-Phorma helps to create a digital banner with the sections, separators and dividing lines on a digital banner.
Module #6: This module guides, how to change a background color and upload background images on the I-Phorma digital banners.
Module #7: It teaches how to create an I-Phorma banner with the j-query and animation.
Module #8: It creates an I-Phorma banner with a multiple GIFs and animation.

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